If you are interested in working together, we will first chat briefly by phone to ensure that I can offer you the help you need. I will ask you to complete intake paperwork prior to our first in-person or virtual appointment, where we will spend 90 minutes thoroughly discussing your concerns, background, and psychiatric history. I will share my impressions and initial relevant diagnoses that will guide my recommendations for treatment.
If we agree that starting or changing medications could be helpful, we will work together to find a safe and effective regimen. I will collaborate with your other medical providers as needed and will always prescribe the fewest number of medications at the lowest possible dosages to improve your symptoms.
Therapy is another powerful tool to help alleviate suffering; I deeply enjoy working with patients in therapy, and am also happy to recommend a community therapist or collaborate with your current therapist. I have extensive training in psychodynamic psychotherapy, which seeks to help us understand and ultimately shift unconscious behavior patterns that are no longer serving us. I also incorporate principles from Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction and Family Systems Theory into my practice.
Alongside medication management and therapy, I believe in connecting patients to educational resources, support communities, and books that may be applicable to their experiences.